

The links listed above will help you to find out basic information about the history of Ireland.

1) Which information have you found concerning Ancient Ireland and Medieval Ireland?
Please collect facts, dates as well as pictures that illustrate the history of Ireland.

2) Please write down everything you read about the Celts, Christianity in Ireland and the Saints with their names.

3) Who were the Vikings and the Normans?

4) What do you know about Sinn Fein?

5) When has Eire become the Republic of Ireland and formally independent of Great Britain?

6) What happened to Northern Ireland after the separation of the Republic of Ireland?

7) Who is the current president of Ireland?

8) Who is the current prime minister of Ireland?

9) Please list the political parties of Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.


Please download the national anthem of Ireland and listen to it.

Source of the flag: https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/ei.html (last access: June 13th, 2010, 14:08)